Knights of Columbus Council #11879
About Us and our Mission
The Knights of Columbus is an association of Catholic Gentlemen. Members dedicate themselves to the ideals of Columbianism: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We strive to support our Community, our Families, our Church and each other. Council members are known as "MinuteMen" after the patriots of old and the always ready attitude for the call to service in the spirit of the Brotherhood, for the Church, Parish, School and Community we are pledged to serve.

Our Council's Mission is to support our Church, School and member Families within and throughout the Saint Matthew Parish, this Council and our surrounding community and nation.

Our History
The Saint Matthew Catholic Parish Knights of Columbus, Council 11879, was established and chartered because of the dedicated efforts of our District Deputy, Edward J. Gralewski. Forty-seven members of the newly established, Saint Matthew Catholic Parish, became the chartered members of our council on October 25, 1996.

Through the leadership of the first Grand Knight, Leo Smith and his Deputy, Dennis Hynes, the council direction was established. The council dedicated itself to the betterment and growth of the Saint Matthew Catholic Parish Community.

Because of the efforts of all the dedicated and hard working members of the council, many great achievements have been accomplished. Although the council's primary reason for working so hard is to fulfill the needs of the Parish Community, the council's many accomplishments have been recognized by Supreme and the State of Nebraska Knights of Columbus. Several unexpected honors have been received including the Star Council Awards. One of the greatest achievements continues to be our membership growth.